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6th February 2022

Wedding Readings for Your Best Friend’s Wedding – “Wedding Poem”

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Welcome back to our Sunday segment, Wedding Readings Ideas. Here we source and share some of our favourite texts perfect for weddings. This week we are focusing on wedding readings for your best friend’s wedding. We try and include a variety of ideas so that there is a reading suggestion for every kind of speech at every kind of wedding!

However, if you are looking for a reading suggestion for a specific event, please feel free to leave us a comment. We would love to help you source one.


The Reading

This week’s reading is Wedding Poem by Ross Gay.


Friends I am here to modestly report
seeing in an orchard
in my town
a goldfinch kissing
a sunflower
again and again
dangling upside down
by its tiny claws
steadying itself by snapping open
like an old-timey fan
its wings
again and again,
until, swooning, it tumbled off
and swooped back to the very same perch,
where the sunflower curled its giant
swirling of seeds
around the bird and leaned back
to admire the soft wind
nudging the bird’s plumage,
and friends I could see
the points on the flower’s stately crown
soften and curl inward
as it almost indiscernibly lifted
the food of its body
to the bird’s nuzzling mouth
whose fervor
I could hear from
oh 20 or 30 feet away
and see from the tiny hulls
that sailed from their
good racket,
which good racket, I have to say
was making me blush,
and rock up on my tippy-toes,
and just barely purse my lips
with what I realize now
was being, simply, glad,
which such love,
if we let it,
makes us feel.

Why We love It

This is one of our favourite wedding readings for your best friend’s wedding, because it illustrates the simple joy of witnessing somebody in love. We love how the poet links the simple beauty of nature to the grander beauty of a wedding. The poem correlates the intricate relationship between a bird and the sunflower from which it feeds to the joyful relationship between his friends. As a reader we are left with the image of delight and gladness gained from being witness to love in its purest form.

If you like this reading, keep your eyes peeled next Sunday and every Sunday from here on out. We will share more wedding readings for your best friend’s wedding, your parent’s weddings, vow renewals, and more.