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Ali's Wedding Set - Bespoke Rings

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Ali always knew that if she were to get married that she didn't want a run-of-the-mill wedding and engagement ring. She had decided that when the time came, she wanted something unique that reflected her character.

Ali got engaged during a trip to New Zealand. It was on her flight home during a stopover in Chiangi Airport in Singapore when she saw something similar to how she had imagined her engagement ring to be. Ali had always known that she wanted a design that had interesting curves and stones set at an angle. The ring that she saw in Singapore was a good representation but had fewer stones than she imagined. So, when she got home, Ali started doing some rough sketches on the back of a sales report.

When Ali approached our bespoke team, we advised her to scan in her designs and send them to us. From Ali's sketches we were able to draw up a few preliminary designs. We sent Ali a series of CAD images (Computer Aided Design) for her to look through and to help her visualise how the ring would look. Ali was amazed at how close the drawings were to the image that she had in her head.


“I selected the design that struck me the most and it was really only tweaks from thereon in.”


Ali asked us to add an extra diamond to the design and to increase the size of the ruby. Once all the little details had been finalised the manufacturing process began. Ali's engagement ring was handmade. The engagement ring began life as a piece of square platinum wire. This wire was carefully milled, filed and rounded off to give it its beautiful curved shape. Once the main structure of the ring was crafted, the spare pieces of wire were made into the under bezels that the stones would sit on, and the claws that would hold them in place. Three round diamonds and one large ruby were then set into the ring. Once all the final tweaks had been made, the ring was then polished to give a beautiful mirror finish.

Because of the unique design and shape of Ali's engagement ring it was clear that she would need a carefully designed wedding ring to sit next to it. So, whilst Ali's engagement ring was in production, we started to design her wedding ring.


The wedding ring was manufactured by creating a hand shaped silver master which was then cast in platinum. This process works well for shaped rings because silver is a very soft metal that can easily be filed, drilled and manipulated into the desired shape. Once happy with the final shape and fit, a mould is made from the silver master which can then be used to cast the ring in any precious metal. Once the ring had been cast in platinum, two channels were then cut either side of the shaped section of the ring in which a total of ten diamonds were set into.

When both rings were ready, Ali came into our offices to collect them and she was over the moon.

“The comments I get about my rings are simply fantastic, from "ooh, isn't that unusual" to "that's the most gorgeous ring ever" Most importantly, I love them both and they are an absolute reflection of me and my character.”