How to order

Ring Samples

Find your perfect ring size, width and style by using our unique 'try before you buy' sample service. Discover more and get the perfect fit today!

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Get the Perfect Fit

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Only by trying on a range of different sizes, widths, and profiles, will you know which fits you best.

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Explore Different Styles

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Take the opportunity to try different things, and your favourite might surprise you!

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Take Your Time

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Shop for your wedding ring in a pressure-free environment. Try your samples for a week, so you can be certain of your choice.

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Try on Rings at Different Times of Day

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Most people find their finger size fluctuates in different climates and with the time of day.

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30-Day Price Freeze

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If metal prices increase within 30 days after you make your sample order, you will have the chance to order your real ring at the original price.

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Hassle-Free Delivery and Returns

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Samples are delivered promptly through your letterbox, so no need to be in to receive them. Our pre-paid returns envelope means returning your samples is as simple as posing them in the post box!


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Bespoke Wedding Rings Service



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Bring our showroom to your living room with our simple sample service. Borrow up to 10 silver sample rings in your chosen specifications to try on at home. Keep them for a week, then return them to us in your pre-paid returns envelope when you’re done!

The borrowing fee for samples ranges from £2 for plain bands - £12 for engagement rings. The price does vary depending on style so check the order page for more details. UK delivery and a pre-paid returns envelope are included in the price.



Samples must be returned within one week of delivery unless otherwise arranged with our customer service team. The samples supplied are made to our specifications of width, depth, and profile. Samples may vary slightly from real rings purchased. All of our rings are made to a leading edge size measurement and may differ to other retailers’ sizing. Failure to return samples will result in a charge for the full retail value of the silver rings according to the current price on our website. Further court action will be taken if the amount remains unpaid or the rings remain unreturned. In the event that we do not have stock of a sample ordered we will provide the closest match in width, depth, profile or size. We will always oversupply samples in these cases. Samples ordered with finishes or engraving, shaped samples, and engagement ring samples come in stock sizes only. In the event that you order any of the above you will be provided with a sample in the closest size and profile to your order as well as a plain ring in the exact size, width and depth you have requested. The cost of samples is non-refundable and covers administration, cleaning, and postage costs of the sample service.